What if?

About us

Every new product starts with an idea, conversation or that little "What if...?". And it is in that moment that something new begins. We can help your idea grow, and become something grand.

We are a group of product development professionals, with backgrounds focussed on IoT and connected devices for industrial applications.

Based in Melbourne, we can provide services internationally in addition to our Australian and New Zealand clients.

Product Creation

Our team of experts will assist you in bringing your ideas to life. From initial ideation and concept development, to final testing and bringing it to market, we are there with you helping to bring your product to life.

Engineering Services

Engineering involves the details and the implementation - sometimes the hardest part for a new idea. We can help with Hardware (Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical), Software (Embedded, Backend, Frontend) and Systems.


Is there a particular problem you need solving in the short term? We can help with planning, documentation, and system design and testing.

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you, and help with your product design needs. Please contact us via email: info@numinance.com